Royal Air Force Mildenhall is a Royal Air Force (RAF) station located at Mildenhall in Suffolk, England. Despite its status as an RAF station, it primarily supports United States Air Force operations. It is currently the home of the 100th Air Refueling Wing (100 ARW). A United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) unit, the 100 ARW is RAF Mildenhall's "host wing," supporting some 16,000 personnel, three geographically separated units (GSUs) and 15 associated units.
The host unit at Mildenhall is the 100ARW, which deploys aircraft for and manages the European Tanker Task Force, a rotational force which provides air refueling to US and NATO aircraft in the European Theater. It is the only permanent USAF air refueling wing in the European theater, activated at RAF Mildenhall on February 1, 1992. The wing provides the critical air refueling "bridge" that allows the Expeditionary Air Force to deploy around the globe on a moment's notice. The tactical component of the 100ARW is the 351st Air Refueling Squadron (351 ARS), flying the Boeing KC-135R/T Stratotanker.
The 352 SOG is the Air Force component for Special Operations Command Europe, a sub-unified command of the US European Command. It transferred to RAF Mildenhall on February 17, 1995 from RAF Alconbury. The 352SOG has two flying squadrons, a maintenance squadron, an operations support squadron and a special tactics squadron. The mission of the 352 SOG is to serve as the focal point for all US Air Force special operations activities throughout the European theater, including Africa and the Middle East. The 352 SOG is prepared to conduct a variety of high priority, low-visibility missions supporting US and allied special operations forces throughout the European theater during peacetime, joint operations exercises and combat operations. The 352nd develops and implements peacetime and wartime contingency plans. It effectively uses fixed-wing and personnel assets in infiltration by, exfiltration by and resupplying of US and allied special operations forces.
Flying Squadrons
100th Air Refuelling Wing (100ARW)
- 351st Air Refuelling Squadron ( 351ARS) - KC-135R/T
352nd Special Operations Group (352SOG)
- 7th Special Operations Squadron (7SOS) - CV-22B Osprey
- 67th Sepcial Operations Squadron (67SOS) - MC-130J Commando II
55th Wing (55WG)